Most drivers assume they are safe drivers. If you have been on the road for a number of years then you probably assume you are a good driver purely because you have had so much practice but in actual fact, you have likely picked up a lot of bad habits. You become complacent or even lazy in your driving and that can make it far more dangerous for yourself and others on the road.
Get your eyes tested!
When was the last time you had a vision test? If you do not normally wear glasses, then the chances are it has been a long while since your last trip to the opticians. If you are driving regularly then you should be very conscious of your eyesight and aware of any slight changes in your vision.
Your eyesight is essential for safe driving because you need to be able to see any potential hazards quickly, with enough time to react appropriately. It is also vital for reading road signs and signals that can be lifesaving. Even without a usual prescription, you may find that you need glasses for driving if your long-distance vision isn’t spot on. Check out EyeBuyDirect’s range of eyeglasses to see how you can be stylish and safe when you drive.
Drive with confidence, not aggression
There is an important difference between driving with confidence and driving with aggression. An example of driving with aggression is those who unexpectedly merge into another lane without giving other drivers any warning. One way you can drive with confidence is to know your route – know which exits to take, give yourself plenty of time to merge into the right lane without obnoxiously cutting someone off! Not only does this make the road more pleasant but it is also a much safer way to behave.
Be civil on the roads
Following on from our previous point, being civil on the roads does not just make driving more pleasant but also helps improve overall driving safety. Be self-aware and considerate of other road users. We all want to get to our destination quickly and we all have somewhere to be. If you see someone trying to merge into your lane, let them in. Easing the stress for other drivers is beneficial for everyone.
Eliminate distractions
Even the smallest distraction can be disastrous when driving. You never use your phone whilst driving but you should also avoid eating or engaging in intense conversation with your passengers as all these things can divert your attention at a crucial moment. You should definitely not do anything that causes you to take a hand off the wheel or look away from the road.
Distance yourself from the bad drivers
It is not just about how well you drive; you need to be aware of how those around you are behaving also. If you notice a car swerving or otherwise driving erratically then you should put as much space between you and them as possible. The same goes for anyone who looks distracted such as drivers using their cell phones.