We all have an idea of a perfect friend, a comrade, a companion, who will never ever let you down, or betray you, or give you up. We accept that connotation of MINI and try to perform our products to be your friends, not objects of everyday usage. We attempt to supply you with the warmth and security on the highest levels. MINI is not an exception. If you drive a MINI, you are a member of a huge family, where no one will betray and neither of whom will never forget, where everyone is loved, everyone is important and no one could be left behind. In every piece of MINI has been invested an incredible amount of love, care and tenderness.
There are some particular items we are not able to imagine our existence, they assist us, support us, without them we are practically powerless. This is exactly what applies to MINI Friend for Life. The new campaign of MINI – MINI: Friend for life, carries precisely this idea of indispensability and inspiration, showing that some of the items are sometimes more important than the help and support of friends, because a friend may be powerless where MINI will not be.
We have launched a new campaign for MINI, which is based on love and family values. The idea is that a Friend for Life will understandably stand beside you forever and ever, wherever you go and whoever you would like to become. Together with the MINI Friend for Life you raise your children, you teach them spiritual values, you instill in them the concepts of good and evil, you show them love and responsibility, you let them go, you watch them to endeavor in the search of their own happiness. And every step of the way MINI is always there beside you. MINI is not just a car. This is a true friend and an assistant, MINI is almost a family member.
That is why MINI aims to be by your side till the end of your life, like an invisible participant of all the most important events, whether it is the birth of a child, the birth family or the birth of friendship. MINI Friend for Life, irreplaceable, gentle, sensitive and attentive. After all, every member of a huge company is thinking about you, cares about you and loves you, whoever you are.