When you are dealing with your muscle car, you will be eager to ensure that, it is kept shiny and clean without having to use a lot of soap and water. In case you happen to use excess water, you will need to be extra careful to avoid rusting some parts of the car. If you use the detailing your car muscle secrets that am about to reveal to you, the job will be done in a simpler, stress free style. It is all about being professional and following the right procedure. Start with your car’s interior and work your way to the exterior.
Here is a guide on how to go about it and make sure that, your muscle car is shiny, clean, and ready to command on the streets.
1 – Scrub the Floor Mats
Use an air compressor to blow out the dust in the middle of the car carpet to make vacuuming easier. Next, use a stiff brush to scrub the carpet so that the dirt that is embedded in it is released. In the case of stains, shampoo the carpet. Use the best cleaner you will be able to find, then scrub with a soft brush and wipe away using a damp cloth.
2 – Go To The Interior Surfaces and Vents
Make sure there is no dirt or dust gathering in the vents of the car to remain smelling nice. To get the most efficient vacuum results, you should be aimed at the corners to get rid of the dust. After that, you need to tackle the surfaces inside the car. Use a protectant to provide protection against the sun’s impact on the vinyl surfaces to avoid them becoming dry and cracked. The work of the protectant is to make sure that, a layer of UV protection is formed, leaving a dust repellent, non-greasy, and matte protective coating.
3 – Wheels and Paints
Once you are done with the interior, and you have conditioned the surfaces, you will need to move to the exterior of the car. You can start with the paint or wheels depending on your personal preference. Use a product which will not be corrosive and cause dry tires and the rims to be pitted. For the brake oil and dust, you will need a degreaser solution, and you should make sure that it doesn’t get onto the car’s paint, and that is why it is preferable to start with the tires using a quality tire shine first before moving to the rest of the exterior.
4 – Wash and Wax
A hand spray is good to use if you want to get rid of salt, mud, or dirt from the exterior but ensure that, you have control of it. For painting, make sure that the paint is clean and no contaminants are present before you put a new coat to the surface. To get a smooth surface for applying a new layer of wax, you can use a small block of paint, cleaning clay together with a liquid cleaner to remove the old paint.
5 – Windows
The windows should be the last thing to wash your car; you shouldn’t overlook it as it will give your car that extra sparkle. Use a good windshield cleaner and mix it with water to wash all your windows. If the solution is good, it will remove all the pollutants together with bugs from the glass. Make sure you roll the side windows slightly to clean the tops.
If you follow the above steps, you will be able to gain a lot of satisfaction from cleaning and detailing your car muscle by yourself. These steps are a guide to help you in doing it the correct way in the comfort of your home, and minimizing costs.
Author Bio
Stella Grant
My name is Stella Grant. I am a trained mechanic with years of experience. Thanks to years experience I have plenty to share on auto maintenance and am willing to help you make your automobile work smooth – from the inside out. Visit to Speedfinal.com to know more information about Automotive you may need.