There are car lovers and there are over the top car lovers who are passionate about everything that has to do with cars. When you have that extra passion, a car becomes much more than just a vehicle that gets you from place to place. You want to know the how’s and why’s about cars and learn as much as you can about engines and other factors that go into these powerful machines.
What’s always a great step to take is to turn a passion into a career. There are plenty of opportunities to start a career in the automotive industry. Some jobs could involve part-time options, and others could be a full-blown career.
We’ve chosen 4 automotive careers that we’re pretty sure are going to interest you, so have a look.
Automotive engineer: If you love a challenge, this is the career for you where you’d be designing and building cars. An engineer would be expected to have the ability to troubleshoot equipment and mechanical problems and perform complex system tests and be a detail-oriented personality with creative thinking skills. To become an automotive engineer, you’d need a bachelor’s degree in a related field such as mechanical engineering.
Auto service technician: For those who want to roll up their sleeve and get right down into it, then an automotive service technician can be a great choice. You’d be servicing people’s vehicles and responsible for the safety of the vehicle. While there’s no academic diploma required to be a technician, it’s still best to search career options for automotive service technicians to find the best schools to receive proper training. Employers are reluctant to hire people without any sort of training. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), you can become Auto Service Excellence (ASE) certified in eight areas of automotive technology. If you pass all eight tests, you can become certified as a Master Automobile Technician.
Don’t worry if you don’t have any experience. There are many open job offers for automotive technicians with no experience nowadays.
Automotive instructor: This is the perfect career if you want to share information and teach like minded people. You’d be responsible to teach topics on engine repair, transportation, and other matters related to common automotive industry careers. Many technical colleges and universities offer degrees and certification programs offered by knowledgeable car experts. If you enjoy sharing your knowledge and a teaching job that’s in a hands-on shop or classroom environment, look into requirements for teaching automotive classes.
Driver: It wouldn’t seem logical if being a driver wasn’t added to the list. Being a driver or valet is a perfect way to earn some cash on the side, or you can go on to make it a full-time job. The job market is filled with opportunities looking for people who want to be behind the wheel for deliveries, taxi and truck drivers and other driver jobs.
Gear up
If you’re a recent graduate or an employee who’s worn down by the daily, monotonous grind, you can turn your passion for cars into a career. The automotive market is filled with attractive, motivating opportunities that involve all types of vehicles in many different ways; one of those ways bound to suit you.