The sun is shining and the weather is getting warmer, its time for you and your furry four-legged friend to head out on new adventures! It is vital that both you and your pet are safe during your travels and safety may look a little different for your pet. There are many ways that you can keep your furry friend safe in your vehicle so before you head out, make sure you are ready with these tips from Plantation Ford in Plantation, FL.
An ID tag can act as life insurance for your pets!
- Avoid losing your furry friends when traveling by making sure their ID tags and microchip information, if you utilize that technology, are up to date and that their collar is secure.
- When traveling with your pet you can attach temporary ID tags with your current contact information including your cell phone number and the number of the hotel or place you are staying. Make sure their collar and tags cannot be caught on anything that could get them stuck or put them in harm’s way, away from home.
Preparing for your big trip! Traveling can be very anxiety-inducing for both humans and pets. Help your pets stay comfortable by preparing them for the big trip ahead.
- You can start by getting your furry friend comfortable with any accessories you will be using on the trip. Introduce the leash and carrier or any other new items in advance so they can get comfortable using them. Using treats and praise can make this process easier.
- Practice putting the harness and leash on them and walking around your home or neighborhood as this can reduce anxiety and make traveling on the big day and throughout the trip less stressful for both humans and pets.
- Look up the contact information for the local veterinarian at your destination in case there is some kind of emergency. Bringing along a copy of your pets health records for the vet to reference if necessary.
- You can also bring extra of any medication that they take in case your trip is delayed.
On the road!
- Your dog should always be safely secured in any moving vehicle. A safety harness should be used and the dog should be riding in the backseat. It may be fun for your dog to ride with their head hanging out the window but it can also be dangerous as flying particles and debris can cause eye damage.
- If your furry friend is a cat, they should be travelling in a carrier. You can secure the carrier by buckling a seat belt around the front so the carrier cannot fall or slide. Cats can also get very anxious when travelling by car. By placing a towel or sheet over the carrier you can reduce stress. Don’t forget to allow fresh air to flow in the carrier!
- You will need to stop frequently to allow your pet to run around, release some energy and go to the bathroom. You may be stopping in a strange place so make sure your pet always has their collar with ID tags on and you are hanging with them utilizing leash.
- Last but definitely not least, make sure you never leave your pet in an unattended parked car. The temperatures inside a car can rise to 120 degrees on warm days in just minutes even if you have left the windows open a crack.