Automobile problems usually aren’t noticeable. It often happens at the most unexpected time and place. There is no exemption from these unexpected vehicle problems, neither a new car or an old one.

I once had a personal experience where I was driving my car on the way home and all of a sudden the car just overheated. There were warning signs, of course, but I didn’t know and notice them. If I had been knowledgeable of these, I would’ve foreseen that from happening and avoided the unfortunate situation.
Determining car problems without the help of a mechanic is no longer impossible. So to help you avoid being in the same position, here are The Key’s guide on what to do if your car overheats and other automobile-related problems.
Be Alert When Your Engine Light Suddenly Activates
When there isn’t any problem with your engine, the engine/pilot lights will usually stay off (or deactivated). This warning light is now commonly present in most cars, making engine problems even easier to determine. When it is suddenly activated, avoid using your car within the day to prevent any further problem. It is best to check the issue first or have your car sent to the mechanic or service center.
Loss Of Power
If you suddenly find yourself having difficulty starting up your car (when you usually don’t experience it), then there could potentially be an existing problem building up. Gas-powered vehicles are often so powerful to have a successful engine combustion process. There is a problem to be addressed when your tank is loaded up yet the car doesn’t seem to “roar” and start as it should.
The Car Refuses Its Gears
This is applicable only to stick-shift manual cars. Changing from one gear to another should be of no difficulty when the clutch is pressed correctly. If your vehicle suddenly refuses to switch gears smoothly (e.g. rear to first gear), that too, is a warning sign. Manual cars are designed to have lesser gear problems than with automatic transmission cars, so these gears are meant to coordinate smoothly. Have your mechanic check if you’re getting low on transmission fluid or the wrong thickness.
You Suddenly Consume More Gas
A full tank all of a sudden does not get you to distances where it used to. There could be a problem with your fuel tank – maybe a small problem that needs cleaning or a deeper tune-up might be called.
Burning Smell
This is exactly like what I experienced, as I have previously shared. I’m sure this is pretty common among you all, too. I find this as the most natural warning sign of a vehicle problem, as you will immediately be able to sense that something is wrong. It is your radiator that is heating up, most likely due to the lack of oil or fluid.
A Noisy Car
A “healthy” car is always a quiet one. If your “smooth” and quiet car suddenly create noise like a jeepney or an old pick up truck, then this isn’t normal. Sounds can indicate simple problems, but it can also mean deeper and more serious ones. Sudden noises are usually an indicator of problems in the combustion flow – still related to your engine. Hence, it is essential to have your car checked with urgency. To see if any engine parts need to be replaced, most mechanics will recommend an overall check or overhaul.
Unresponsive Brakes
Never underestimate the power of your vehicle brakes. Remember when you suddenly brake, the car immediately comes to a full stop. If this isn’t the case anymore, have your brakes checked AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, NO EXCUSES. Brakes are very important and your failure to have them checked right away can potentially lead to a severe accident that could have been avoidable in the first place.
You will also be able to notice this when your brakes are suddenly too soft to press on – or on the reverse when you need to require more stepping force to make a break. More often than not, your brakes may have already thinned out.
Your Engine Keeps Running – Even After Ignition Has Been Turned Off
Common sense will tell you that once the ignition has been turned off, your engine should stop running as well. You do not need to be a car expert to know this. An opposite situation would otherwise mean that there is a problem with your car’s carburetor. It is best if you ask yourself to be towed or be picked up immediately.
Your Tires Are Regularly Flat
A mechanic has once told me that a good set of tires will not require you to have regular air fill-ups. If you have to do the same weekly, your tires probably need to be changed. You will also begin to notice this when your drive suddenly goes from smooth to “bumpy”.
Your vehicle, its’ engine and other parts are created to be durable, heavy-duty, and to have long-lasting and high performance. However, do note that cars will always have their natural wear and tear. If you find any of these signs happening to your vehicle now, you can take it as a warning sign of any problem that will call for a mechanic’s fixing.